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Really short, but not too bad.

I hope our protagonist will eventually become a better person during the game, perhaps even regaining his position as a counselor even despite his new size.
(I hope for something like that, and that we would eventually romance or "romance" one of the girls except the director)


This was one of my first 'games' (actually a 3 chapters long comic turned game) on Renpy which I used as a testing ground to try coding I wasn't familiar with.
I'm not really sure what I'll do with this story because it was an old commission and most people don't care for me to continue it.. :/ hence why I made it free for everyone to play it.
I'm soon gonna work on something much better, more interactive (like the Rookie) with an actual long term story, journal (testing it in the Rookie these days, I'll post it as an upgrade when it's finished on the current The Rookie page), quests that the character can follow, and some "peeping tom" mode which I've been wanting to try more for a while but haven't due to a lot of other stuff happening (like losing both Patreon pages and making zero money lol).

I've also been making some test games on RPG Maker MZ.. I've actually got pretty good with it, to the point that I can make you climb the giantess as a map, like up her legs and over her curve and such.. not sure how many people are still interested in this stuff though. I should probably make a post about that and see.

Quite a lot of people, just look at the things like "Diminutive Domain" or "Skinwalker x1000" :)

Hopefully so, cuz I just learned how to do that kind of thing.. and I'm not gonna bother with long explanations and intros this time, just straight into action. Quickest intro, bam you're tiny near her feet (she's either sleeping or unaware or relaxing, etc) and you can start climbing and exploring. I'm not even doing fights yet (like with bugs or other tinies) cuz 1. I haven't even studied combat yet lol and 2. I just want this to be about exploring the girl and making this as sexy as possible... (how many chances are there that you'll start fighting a fly while exploring a giant girl anyway.. ๐Ÿ˜…).
I hope I can make something soon cuz I'm studying/sharpening my skills with either RPG Maker and Renpy (everything on my page so far has been Renpy made). Thanks for the feedback though! ๐Ÿ˜‰

if this is still being updated where can we find the latest updates for the game as far as content and download links go

Right now this is as far as the game goes, I'm still working on it but I'm also working on new (and older) projects on my Patreon page which is where all my stuff goes to anyway (here )

Will the next version be paid?

Will there be an update?

Dude, dunno about this game cuz this was a commission from someone who's no longer supporting me, but I'm working on a better game (with actual buttons and a journal) and it's taking me quite some effort (for a newbie like me at least). I'll try and make a few updates soon, I haven't really used this website much yet.. game will include nudity (giant girl's body exploration with many choices) so who knows if they'll allow me to sell it here (for real cheap anyway). If not, I'll go on Gumroad where they allow people much more freedom for creativity.


I've seen something different here

when will we get the next update?

Are you gonna bring this to android?

Not for the moment, sorry, there's a lot still to do and I'm learning on the go. :P

It's alright, shame it is only this far. But very good renders. Hopefully there will be some Very good endings for the guy. But you do you.


Thank you :) I know that many people tend to use characters that look like anime or MMD ones, but I like to aim for realism.. these renders take me way longer to make, but it helps with the whole 'horror' theme (hence my name lol, this is also way I spend more time looking for the perfect soundtrack). Give me time and it'll be shaped into something long and cool, and definitely much more interactive. I just got started coding and I can tell it's not the easiest thing I've ever done.

Is this a kink? I dont understand these types of novels.


Yup, the fetish is called "macrophilia" and (usually) involves men who get a thrill from being in the presence of a giant woman. I'm kinda surprised you found this game since it's supposed to pop up when you type the keyword "giantess" (female giant). And yes, it's 'odd' lol but not more odd than feet fetish and other things that are at least materially possible. This is a less known one since it's not something one can satisfy other than with art and games. I guess for those without the kink, the game could mostly be about 'horror' as being shrunk and having to survive an encounter with anyone would in itself be something scary indeed.

It's literally on the second row in 'New and Popular'

I just noticed.. :O I didn't think it would be seen at all lol

lol enjoy the free clicks I guess


Thank you ^_^

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Ummm... sure? XD